Want something special to not feel alone to your favorite pet companion? Checkout this pallet pet bed especially made for a puppy or kitty and for any other cuter dog breed! You just only need an old apple crate or a wooden box, if just not having it at home then just a make a custom one at home using old pallets which always come in access! Simply break the pallets into separate wooden slats and built a custom sized box out of them and you are done!
For upholstering, you can reclaim an old piece of quilt and just staple it along the interior lines and boundary of this DIY pallet dog bed and here you have got a perfectly upholstered pallet dog or cat bed on a budget! Use leftover home paint or stain to get the most preferred appeal and appearance and let it more stable! For legs, just repurpose the old rod ends or some short metal legs from a broken up piece of furniture and enjoy it!
DIY Tutorial: How to Build a Pallet Dog House?

Made by: Deco Et