Extra outdoor space allows you to go for different setups and home improvements for a more functional life! Best you can do with your outdoor is to build a small garden having lot of flower and vegetable beds! Gardening can really make you self-sufficient as you can get all your fresh vegetable from there even the herbs! If you are non-veg, then you can even create a poultry farm or hen house at your outdoor to house your meat birds for fresh meat at any time! Here is the plan about how you can build a functional chicken coop!
Go handmade with pallets and get it in no time! Look at this DIY pallet chicken coop or hen house and get yourself inspired! By getting the dimensions of targeted area, a big raised pallet fence has been constructed to specify a portion of your outdoor for poultry! You can also select a weather-friendly location of your outdoor for a hen house there!
For air circulation and also to watch the chickens anytime, use of chicken wire is always appreciated and same has been done in this pallet hen house inspiration! There is a separate setup for egg-laying, comes with lot of perches inside to make your hen well slept too at night!

Submitted By Our User: Philip