Be clever while choosing the pallet as you are going to rebuild them for sofas which are always to handle a lot of weights over them! To prevent breakage or collapsing, do take a closed review of pallets and try to find out the wooden dings, imperfections, rustic marks and knots that can make the entire board less stable!
If you are not getting any way to reach those solid Euro pallet skids then grab any you are easy to approach! If it is bigger then cut it down to according sizes if it is smaller one then put them together to build up a sturdy unit! Where to get pallets from? This question may also bother you, so for ease of access to pallets, you can simple take a roundup of landfill areas, scrap material piles, local dumpsters, surrounding under construction areas and the top one the shipping places!
DIY Pallet Lounge Sofa Set with Cushion:

Pallet Boards Living Room Sofa:

DIY Whole Pallet Media Room Corner Sofa:

Padded Seats Made of Whole Pallets:

White Pallet L-Shape Sofa with Blue Cushion:

White Whole Pallets Lounge Sofa with Storage:

White Pallet Sofa with Red Foam Cushion: