From shop to kitchen counters to office reception desk, pallet wood provides budget friendly plans for all type of “Pallet Furniture“! Without any excess use of money or effort, you can get all out of pallets your home demands for a functional and visual boost! This time we are to please the beverage lovers through recycling of pallets and that’s why we have brought this mini DIY pallet bar, perfect mini size with built in shelf to fit to your mini home bar or to outdoor drink corner!
Top has been given thicker dimensions while rest of design has been fabricated by packing the pallets in simple slatted arrangements! To hold the wooden pieces together, nails have been added and adhesive demands have been fulfilled by laying the glue! Throughout sanding is all responsible for pleasing, splinter free and glowing wood tone! Give some clear lacquer coats for a more shine on wood grains and also for weather and water-proofing!

Made by: Dustin Ward