There are a lot of factors that can disturb the monthly budget of your house especially when its about the replacement or purchase of a furniture piece. If you are in need of new furniture things, you can save your precious money and that too without disturbing the budget plan. Yes using the pallets you can build any of your home furniture things and thus save a lot over the market bought items.
For example if you are in need of a kitchen island to create some organizing and storage space then you can shape this DIY kitchen island table of your own. Coming with a feasible structure the island has been made out of the pallet slat stacking method with three layers of shelves. A side door with wire mesh covering and re-used knob is the addition to the style and design of the island.
A subtle grayish stain coating makes it look really simplistic and rustic beauty piece for your kitchen decor.
Get your kitchen organized well by making this wooden pallet kitchen island table of your own using some re-purposed pallets.
The kitchen island is really feasible in structure to build using the thick and wide pallet slats with a top, two base shelves and a side wire mesh door.
You can use any knob to insert the side wire mesh door that is lying uselessly in your house as here a crystal stone knob has been supplied.
A grayish paint has been used to finish off this kitchen island table and make it look rustic in appeal holding a bunch of your kitchen stuff and crockery on its top and under shelves.
Made by: Adam Uhrich