Outdoor and garden lovers should always need to place to store their garden related stuff like seeds, soil and tools etc.! While intending to repair some home or garden items, it also demands for a workspace installed within the boundary of you home! An outdoor shed in this case may be a best choice which gives both storage space and a separate working area! So why not building a shed in your garden if you are not having it yet? Are deficient of money to do this?
If yes, then this DIY pallet shed is here which is totally free to achieve and wholly wood-made! Whole construction plan has been brought to completion using pallets which are always easy to access and even costs you nothing! A little room has been build using dismantled pallets and primary entrance has been done using a prefabricated pallet and plywood door! Interior has been made functional by installed some shelves and some working surfaces on a height level convenient to a standing person!

Tiny Pallet House or Cabin: DIY Tutorial
How to Build Pallet Cabinet for Storage
Wood Pallet Kitchen Hutch Counter / Cabinet
Made by: Johnnie