The main sources of the retired and discarded pallets are the junk yards, landfills and the dumps where they can be found in abundance. And staying in all these spaces in not easy as the pallets get attacked by the insects, time, weather wear and tears resulting in the weathered kinds of pallets having lots of marks and tints on the surface but get stronger under the pressure of time and weather too. And here we have used such pallets to install this gorgeous DIY pallet bar table which has turned out to be a functional and beautiful thing to be used for the up gradation of the outdoors.
And it is too easy to build out from the pallet slat pieces having been sawed from the pallets and then nicely stacked to each other to install the bar structure with shelves and racks for storage. The rustic pallet bar has been made to look more rustic and shabby chic by getting it stained in the brown stain.

Made by: Dana Dulin Meacham