Side tables occupy a very imminent position in the living room décor and provide it an accomplished look when it is spotted at the sides of your chairs or sofas. When there is a rush of guests in your living those who sit at the corner seat find it difficult to reach the coffee table conveniently. So a side table would let them easily hold their coffee cup or beverage glass along with their phones and some other utilities. And even when there are no guests in the living you can hold your show piece items and some needy accessories like clocks and books on it.
So for so much useful side table you don’t have to spend money on the market bought as you can make an efficient one for free. Yes with pallets you can build this DIY pallet side table of your own saving your preciously earned money. Having double layers of shelves it would let you have extra storage space for use. And stained in light brown shade it looks very appealing and would suit a rustic type décor.

Made by: Andy J Neal